Friday, April 13, 2012

Though I Loose my Foot Hold and Sometimes Stumble, I will Not Fall...

Walking the Christian walk is the hardest thing you will ever face, but it is the most rewarding if you walk with your listening ears on and are obedient to the spirit who is guiding you.
I believe God will give us the desire of our hearts if we want it bad enough, but that doesn't mean it is His will for our life. He wants to see us happy but He gives us a choice to choose which path we want to take. His path that is already planned out for us on a straight road with hills to climb, and valleys to go through is perfect...or we can choice the path which will lead us in circles until we are on His path again. Ultimately His Will will be done.

I may be having this great party going on in my head, really enjoying where it is taking me all the while knowing God had other plans for me. Number one, I am wasting my time, and number two, it isn't pleasing to the one who designed me and adores me. Not to mention, He only wants the best for me. That is why, focusing all of me on all of Him is the right choice every time.

Though I lose my foot hold and sometimes stumble, I will not fall. This test isn't easy, by any means, but if we look at the teacher, Christ, and what His did for the Holy Father, we will be humbly surprised how easy it really is. He will give us the strength to endure whatever the task, so we won't fail Him. In the long run, isn't that what we really want... to please him?

The one that brought you to the test is the one that will see you through it. I am so weak, but He is strong.

There aren’t too many moments in my life that I am not in a battle between good and evil. There is a spiritual warfare going on all around me. What I do about it is only up to me.

Thank you Lord, for using me for your glory… and ultimately my good.

Enjoy a video from Chris August called "Battle"  that will help you understand

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Thank you,

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