Thursday, January 12, 2012

You Can't Always Get What You Want

So far away
 mourning a loss alone
 like I was on the other side of the universe
away from all the others who are mourning the same loss
but with different relationships to him
wanting to be there
 to comfort
comforting & supporting each other.
Here I am  alone,
Tears streaming down my face
out of control
until ...

The Lord puts a song on my heart.
"I Have Been There"
I realized then
 I am far from
I am in the presents of the Lord!
With his warm embarrass
squeezing me tight
I feel peace
and realize than ...
You can't always get what you want,
but you always ...
get what you need


  1. you are not mourning are with us but I know how you feel so far away, Georgia knows you are with her... you are a great friend to her and she will will need you when it counts, when everyone else is gone

  2. hey , and if you wanna know who anonymous is, hint.......who gave you tomato juice to drink to sober you up so you mother and father wouldn't know you drank alcohol in high school

  3. Thanx... I needed that. I know you will stand in for me and give them all a kiss from me. xoxo
