Sunday, July 31, 2011


I was definitely where I was meant to be today! I woke remembering that I thought of a blog to write  and forgot what it was about.I had a a great breakfast, followed by church still thinking.. "I wish I remembered what I wanted to write about because it was good!"

At church someone told me I would be a great person to take over an area of church  activity that involved painting backdrops of the church plays every year for Vacation Bible School because she just couldn't do it any more. I thought she must be out of my mind because I could never do that. I could help someone do it, but I couldn't take on the responsibility.

When the pastor starts his sermon, it's about but how we need to break out of the clay pots we are covered in  to be molded into what God had originally designed us to be. As he is speaking, I remembered about what I wanted to post this week. It was about how we are clay pots being cracked and chipped until we are finally molded into the design our Creator designed us to be. We weren't designed to be anything for our self, but He designed us to be something wonderful for Him. Then I was convicted. Thinking how someone was asking for my help in an area that was no sweat off of my back, but would help relieve her some responsibility. Boy was God talking to me!
I know I was created with many gifts for Him, but this is just a little one I needed to see and be obedient to, to reap the rewards of joy He has for me.

I think if we sit in our comfort zone, we will never see what we are designed to be and feel the joy in our life as we were intended to. He will only crack us to where He wants us to be. It is up to us to want to be molded down to find the gem inside of us.

Being molded isn't easy but it is rewarding... I hope you find yourself too so you can feel the joy!

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