Thursday, January 12, 2012

You Can't Always Get What You Want

So far away
 mourning a loss alone
 like I was on the other side of the universe
away from all the others who are mourning the same loss
but with different relationships to him
wanting to be there
 to comfort
comforting & supporting each other.
Here I am  alone,
Tears streaming down my face
out of control
until ...

The Lord puts a song on my heart.
"I Have Been There"
I realized then
 I am far from
I am in the presents of the Lord!
With his warm embarrass
squeezing me tight
I feel peace
and realize than ...
You can't always get what you want,
but you always ...
get what you need

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our Ways Are Not His Ways...

I am reminded today of my Grandma's hand. She was born without fingers on her left hand.
I have an image of her going up to heaven like this:

God says to Grandma, "Here are all your tears that you have cried thought out your life in these two buckets. All your pain and sorrow... all your joy and laughter. You are to carry them to me on your way up."

Grandma takes the buckets. Each in one hand,. She gets to heaven and hands the Lord the buckets but the one from her left hand was almost empty because she didn't have the strength to hold it upright and was pouring it out all the way to heaven! She says "Father, I am so sorry. I couldn't carry the other bucket upright and spilled most of the tears out on the way." The Lord says, "That was my plan. Look behind you"... all the way to heaven was a path of beautiful flowers that lined the path to heaven from her imperfect hand. Her tears were watering his seeds. God makes beauty from ashes.

Psalm 40:2 says:
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mere, he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
Isiah 64:8 says:
"Lord,  you are our Father, we are the clay, you are the potter, we are the work of your hands."

Next time there is a trial in your life, and you think the crack will never heal, maybe it isn't suppose to. Maybe God will use that crack for a greater purpose.

Our ways are not His ways.
His plan is unfolding perfectly ... and you're a part of it!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I am reminded of a precious gift I have been given today...

Happy Sunday and Happy New Year!

What is important to you?

 Love is to me... but after 52 years of what I thought was love, was not it at all!

Try substituting the word "Love" for "Loyalty" ... THAT is what love really is.

A.W.Tozer once wrote:
We do not believe we are as dear to God as He says we are. We do not believe we are as precious or that He desires us as much as He says He does. The enemy of man's soul has sold this lie to us to not only beat us down, but to also keep us from the loving fellowship of God's presence. He cares not a whit for us, but his hatred of God drives him to do all his power to deny God that which rightfully belongs to Him. If everybody could suddenly have a baptism of pure cheerful belief that God wants and desires us to worship, admire and praise Him, it could transform us overnight into the most radiantly happy people in the world. We would finally discover our purpose; that God delights in us, and longs for our fellowship.

Find the "loyalty" in your heart and love the way we were designed to love and delight in it!

For those reading this blog, please make me accountable...