Friday, December 2, 2011

There is Nothing that is Going to Happen to You Today, that God Doesn't Already Know About

Do you ever wonder why some people get bombarded with trials in their life, and others don't?
I thought about this today and wonder how certain people can handle things better than others.

Let's think about people who run marathons for a minute.They have to train for years to prepare for that one marathon day. The training ... exercise ... stretches, etc .... they have to equip themselves or they won't be able to handle it.

 Kind of like a rubber band. As long as you keep stretching it out, it will continue to work fine.
But once you leave it in the draw for a few years &  then take it out to use, it breaks because it lost all its elasticity.

This seems to be the same theory as the trials we face in our lives, and the timing of them. All of our life we are given little crumbs of trials that prepares us for a bigger one (like exercises I guess you would say) but the people that can't handle their trials are people who don't look at the trial  as a learning experience or  an exercise and grow from it. This is how God works. He equips certain people in their life's for the trials that He already knows about. It is up to us to learn or grow from them to prepare us for the next one ... and there will be a next one!

With Gods grace, we can get through them.
Here is a song for you